21st Nov 2019 – VISIT to Norton Court, nr. Chipping Sodbury
23rd Nov 2019 – GBRG AGM at St Michaels Tower, Gloucester
28th Nov 2019 – LECTURE at St Mary’s Church, Kingswood
Title: Where was Kingswood Abbey??: The latest evidence! An illustrated lecture by Prof. Mark Horton. Doors open for refreshments at 18.45 starts at 19.30. Tickets in aid of the Memorial garden are £10 to include a glass of wine, from: Kingswood Village shop or patricia.broadfoot@gmail.com. Tickets are limited so book early!
18th May 2019 – Workshop: An introduction to the GBRG and Building Recording
17th June 2019 – Visit to Daneway House
10th July – Visit to Frocester Tithe Barn
9th Sept 2019 – Visit to 25 Long Street
3rd February 2019 – Blackfriars Priory in Gloucester
23rd March 2019- GBRG AGM
23rd March 2019 – St Nicholas (the leaning tower of Gloucester)
3rd NOVEMBER 2018 – St Mary De Crypt in Southgate Street, Gloucester
12th MAY 2018 Mini-conference on Understanding Historic Buildings at Porch House, Castle Street, Thornbury, South Glou, BS35 1HA. Four lectures: Cruck Construction: Distribution and Dating by Dr. Nat Alcock (University of Warwick). Spolia Britannica: The historical use of salvaged building materials in Britain by Michael Heaton (Archaeologist and Building Historian). Differences in timber-framing between two counties by Duncan James (Insight – Historic Buildings Research). Saddles and Skew Pegs: The Construction of Cruck Buildings by Dr. Nat Alcock
5th APRIL 2018: Reading a Timber Framed Building Tour – With Dr Andy Moir. Location: Life Museum, Westgate Street, Gloucester.
15th OCTOBER 2017: Recording at St Mary’s Church, Kempley
23rd OCTOBER 2017: The Royal Hop Pole Hotel, 94 Church St, Tewkesbury
19th SEPTEMBER 2017: Recording the barn at the Kilcott Inn
23rd SEPTEMBER 2017: GBRG AGM at the Folk Museum
18th JUNE 2017: Recording visit to Gunns Mill, Mitcheldean